Monday, January 10, 2011

Gatlinburg Recap

We had such a good time in Gatlinburg this past weekend!  The retreat we were going to ended up being cancelled, so we still went and did our own thing.  We got there Friday around 5:00, then unloaded and went to eat dinner at TGI Fridays.  Then we did a Bible study session and then the girls headed up to our room to watch a movie.  The boys did this:

They're a tad bit crazy, but we love them of course!  Saturday we woke up and walked to a delicious donut shop for breakfast, then we took went back to the hotel for another session.  Pancake Pantry was next for some delicious lunch (yes, donuts for breakfast and pancakes for lunch.  Don't worry, they had NO calories!  Amazing!)  Then we took some pictures in The Village!  It was so beautiful in the snow!  Below are a couple of pics from there, Taylor and I and then one of my roommates for the weekend!

After fun in The Village, we headed back to the hotel to build a snowman in the parking lot.  It wasn't really working out so much, and I was FREEZING... so I tucked away in the hotel room for awhile in the warmth.  Then, most of the girls came in and joined me and we ended up doing this and singing along to Taylor's guitar!

After a YouTube marathon, we then had our evening session and then had pizza.  Once all that was done, the girls were kicked out because the boys wanted to watch a man movie!  So, we went up to our room and were just hanging out, pretty much having girl talk!  Looking at other people's wedding pictures, telling stories, etc.  Then about 10:30 my phone rang, and it was my best friend, Nicole.  I almost ignored it because it was so loud in my room.  I decided not to because I thought, "What if she's calling to tell me she's engaged?!"  Well... that's exactly what it was!!!  I'm SO excited for her and my BFF Chris.  I wanted to add a photo of them here, thought of using a really cute or sweet one, but this one is definitely more fitting!!  (It's still really cute and sweet though!)

We finally went to bed around 1 am (after I had to show my mean side to some loud kids in the hallway).  Sunday morning we woke up, had breakfast and a session, then headed back to Georgia!  The only icy road was the side street our hotel was on, so I was very thankful we only had maybe 100 yards of icy!  We got home around 5, then I went to the grocery store to stock up food for the week for our visitors!  John and Brandon arrived safely at about 2:45 this morning.  They drove through the snow storm, so I'm very glad they made it!  Oh ps... it snowed A LOT here last night... holy cow.  We played in it earlier... the boys tore a trash can lid off and we "sledded" down our street!  Don't worry, pictures and videos are DEFINITELY coming from that... it needs its own post!!  So, more to come later today, possibly tomorrow!  I'm gonna go hang out with the boys now... or at least hope they won't play the Xbox ALL day!!  :)

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