Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Life As We Know It

Since I'm new to this whole blogging thing, I'm just going to start from the beginning!  For those of you who don't know what we're up to these days, this is for you!  Basically just a life update... here goes!

Taylor and I got married in May and are living in a cute little house in Marietta, GA, a suburb of Atlanta.  We are loving married life!

We have the cutest little pup in the whole world!  Meet Jake, our spoiled rotten little puggle!

I am currently working at SawHorse, a renovation company in Atlanta as the Accounts Manager.  I basically just handle all the moolah :).  I'm also just two weeks shy of having my Masters in Real Estate.  I'm studying abroad in Greece in May to finish up!  Taylor is the youth and worship minister at Cobb Community Church in Marietta.  We love our little church and all the people there!  Here are a few of our youth at our wedding, aren't they cute!

We don't do much outside of our jobs... It's funny because Taylor just asked me why we're so boring!  It's hard when you're working all day to actually WANT to do something fun, especially when you're not making a whole lot of extra money!  Fun can be expensive!  So, if any of you guys know free cheap fun things to do, send them our way, please!  For now, I just enjoy cooking.  I got an awesome new Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas (thanks Debsie!) which will keep me entertained for awhile!!

One thing Taylor and I have been missing is having friends our age.  The vast majority of Marietta is either older than us or younger, people don't really move out to the burbs until they have kids.  So, we just kind of hang out with each other.  It has been such a blessing to have Jason and Bekah Wilson here with us.  Taylor knows Jason from home, and they moved up here a few months before we did.  So, it's so great to be able to hang out with them, but unfortunately it doesn't happen often enough!!  But, they did recently have the most adorable baby boy, Kaden.  I just love my little nephew :)

Well, now that you're completely jealous of our super-fun life, I guess I'll leave it at that!

1 comment:

  1. whoooa
    jason said you did NOT have permission to use our picture on here--haha

    hey so far so good on the blog.. twice already!! i'm impressed!

    love yall

    ps. i posted this comment on the wrong entry and then deleted it caz im a goob.
